Sunday, 20 January 2013

An Abundance of Katherines

So, as you will see from the picture, this is a brief foray into the world of e-books. Not one of my 'great-unreads' as it happens, but 'set' as our family bookclub read. It soon came close to arousing the same guilt in me, as one by one, the rest of the family announced that they had completed it.

It's a teenagers' book, and I have to say very enjoyable. It made me laugh out loud a lot. A brief plot summary. Colin, a failed protegy, clever in everything but relationships, has just been dumped by his girlfriend - the nineteenth to be called Katherine - hence the title. He and his friend Hassan, set off on a roadtrip to help him get over it and to enable Hassan to escape the demands of his parents to get off his backside, stop watching daytime TV and actually do something with his life.

They stop in Tenessee, to see the final resting place of (improbably)  Archduke Franz Ferdinand. They become friends with the tour guide, a young woman and find themselves a job and somewhere to stay, and so the real journey begins.

Colin - an asperger's kind of guy, decides that he needs to develop a mathematical theorem to help him solve the Katherine conundrum.   It all rolls along at a happy pace, the characters are quirky and funny. Even if you have no interest in maths and bell curves,  I think you might enjoy the ride.

An Abundance of Katherine's - John Green

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The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time 

 Books bought 0: Books read 3

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